About Us

Malsam Law Firm

15 S Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

Malsam Law Firm

15 S Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

You can trust us

We are up-to-date on all changes in the areas in which we practice, so you can be sure that you are receiving the highest quality of legal counsel and representation.

What we do

We provide legal representation in a traditional or collaborative manner.

Dissolution – Traditional Approach

A divorce or legal separation that may or may not include court appearances such as hearings for temporary orders and a trial. A judge or commissioner makes decisions for the parties when they cannot agree about specific issues. It may include: Temporary Orders, Parenting Plans, Child Support Orders, Asset and Debt Distribution, restraints, and other general issues connected to the court process.

Dissolution - Collaborative Approach

A divorce or legal separation where the parties decide upfront that court litigation will not be part of the divorce. Each party has an attorney to represent him or her and the parties take a mediation approach to solve the issues in the case. Benefits include a settlement that is fashioned by the parties instead of a stranger in a black gown, generally have less costs involved, and less animosity toward each other because the parties agree to settle the case rather than
Clients Consulting a Lawyer
See the services page for a more comprehensive list of services.

Have a question? Ask us!

For more information about Malsam Law Firm or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.
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